Push to Social Advertising Integration
The biggest obstacle to success with social advertising is time-consuming manual work to curate and upload lists. Push to Social allows you to define audiences in Revolution CRM and automate the data push via API to social ad platforms.
How Does Advertising on Social Platforms Work?
Google Ads
Google Ads can place ads in the results of search engines like Google Search and on non-search websites, mobile apps, and videos.
Facebook Ads
With Facebook Ads, ad campaigns can be run on Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, Audience Network or across all.
Data Points
Data points are used for matching to enable targeted advertising. Advertisers also build Lookalike Audiences, which use several sets of individuals as Seeds. Facebook then builds an audience of similar individuals, which allows advertisers to target individuals most like your established constituents.
First and Last Name
Zip code
Email (three)
Phone (three)
Date of Birth
Revolution CRM Push to Social Automates List Curation and Data Push
Create FlexLists
Multiple creation points.
Set them to auto-refresh.
Set them to auto-refresh.
Define Audiences
Select the ad platform.
Use multiple FlexLists.
Use multiple FlexLists.
Set the Frequency
Push once or daily.
Data is sent via API.
Data is sent via API.
Push to Social Advertising is a custom toolset and optional integration to social advertising platforms offered within Revolution CRM.