Single Sign-On (SSO)Authentication

Single Sign-On (SSO)Authentication

ROI Solutions | Single Sign-On (SSO)Authentication

IT departments are rightfully concerned about network and system user security, mainly when the staff is distributed and working from home. If you want to put user access to Revolution CRM under the purview of your IT administrators or enforce multi-factor authentication of staff users, consider implementing the Revolution CRM Single Sign On feature. When set up, access to Revolution CRM can be managed through your existing Azure Active Directory services. Staff are authenticated through their system login and have seamless access to their Revolution CRM account with no additional username or password. The significant advantage for your user community is that they’ll need to remember one less username/password. Don’t worry; your partners who access Revolution CRM on your behalf can continue to do so the traditional way.

You can add Revolution CRM to those existing processes if your organization uses SharePoint, Office 365, or other Microsoft tools via Active Directory-style credentialing. If you would like to learn more, contact your Client Services team. They’ll connect your technical team with our authentication experts to survey the scene and advise on what would be needed to make signing in super simple.

We’re also evaluating other Single Sign-On options, so stay tuned for further announcements.

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