Track Emails to Constituents

Track Emails to Constituents

ROI Solutions | Track Emails to Constituents

So you had a great meeting with a major donor prospect; what’s the easiest way to record your conversation in Revolution CRM? Let’s walk through how a Development Officer might track a follow-up email to a constituent, highlighting activity tracking in High Touch Cultivation Plans and a recent update that makes using Mail 2 DB even easier.

Things have been going well with this donor – the next activity lined up as part of their cultivation plan is an email following up about the online event they just attended.

Let’s send that email using the email address shown in the headline at the top of the screen.
When clicking on an email address in Revolution Online, a new option is shown, giving the choice of just opening the email client with that address or additionally setting a comment.

Choosing ‘email and save as comment’ now prompts you to save a comment or a research note, or both.

Clicking on ‘Create Email’ brings up the email client as usual, but with the information that Mail 2 DB needs to connect that email to this constituent.

Whatever ends up in that email, including attachments, will automatically get bcc’ed to the Mail 2 DB email address and then saved as a comment or research note.

With that email saved, let’s close out that activity, copying the text of the research note created into the activity for reference. Now it’s time to move on to the next call!

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