Take control of your data by leveraging our pre-built visualizations, created with Tableau, on the Analysis tab. This month, we’re highlighting a visualization in the Key Performance Indicators section: the KPI Dashboard.
This visualization focuses on key metrics of both donor participation and donor value:
- Active Donor Giving – How many donors gave, and how much did they give?
- New Donor Acquisition – How many donors were new, and which channel brought them in?
- Donor Retention and Migration – What percentage of donors gave last year AND this year – and did their gift amount change?
- Lapsed Donor Reactivation – When donors returned, how long was the break, and which channel brought them back?
You can focus on dates and specific transactions by using the filter on the right. Most of the elements of each chart/graph bring up more detail if you click on them.
We’ll highlight other visualizations in the coming months – and would love to hear what insights you’ve gained from these tools.