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ROI Solutions
Wealth Screening Made Easier

Wealth Screening Made Easier

ROI Solutions | Wealth Screening Made Easier

There is no lonelier feeling in the world than making the ask, a BIG one, to a major gift prospect. Confidence is an absolute necessity; the more you are prepared, the more confident you can be. ROI Solutions and WealthEngine (WE) are working to ensure that the data prospect researchers need to fuel the major gift pipeline with qualified candidates is more effortless and seamless.

If you subscribe to WE’s prospect research platform, you can jump directly from a constituent record in Revolution CRM to WealthEngine. Prospect researchers can better understand constituents’ wealth, liquidity, and assets and begin building profiles of high-touch prospects.

Now, you can research a donor’s wealth profile and retrieve and save wealth profile data directly onto the ROI constituent record, complete with an audit trail of when the data was last refreshed. Much wealth-related information may be helpful to others, such as the soon-to-be assigned major gift officer. You may also want to use a propensity to give ratings or asset levels in conjunction with actual giving history to define donor segments.

Like any other Revolution CRM data table, these data are available for query and SQL output. We’ve also added the ability to search WE variables directly in Revolution CRM’s Donor Search. This will allow you to include additional wealth and asset criteria through our search tools for more targeted Prospect Research now in Revolution CRM. 

Our last step to seamless donor insights is to provide automated sweeps and manual batch push capabilities from Revolution CRM through WE’s API to facilitate periodic group screenings. This capability will help organizations have a turnkey screening method to further identify and segment those audiences for various applications in Revolution CRM.

For more information about WealthEngine and its wealth screening products, please visit

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