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Rosie (the Dog) and Adoption

ROI Solutions | Rosie (the Dog) and Adoption

Rosie comes to us from North East Animal Shelter (, where Gina VanderLoop, our Founder and CEO, adopted her.  Rosie is super cute, playful, and very smart.  And we’re lucky to have her join our team in the office.

Many of our staff here at ROI Solutions have adopted animal companions from NEAS. NEAS has placed over 130,000 animal companions in new homes since opening in 1976, making the shelter one of New England’s largest non-profit, no-kill shelters. Their program ensures that each animal companion receives essential care before adoption and finds a match that perfectly fits each adoptee’s needs. NEAS’s work is inspirational, and ROI Solutions is privileged to partner with such a fantastic organization.

Please visit their website to learn more about Northeast Animal Shelter’s extraordinary work or look at opportunities to adopt, donate, or volunteer.

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